Intercultural Educators > About Us > Robert B. Reed

Robert B. Reed, Ph.D.

Robert B. Reed

Mission top

My mission is to help people serve God where He has placed them,
     by sharing my passion for learning and service,
and helping them become the life-long learners and servants
     God wants them to be.

Field Experience top

Robert was born in Colombia to missionary parents and lived there for almost thirty years. He served in cross-cultural ministry with Wycliffe Bible Translators and SIL International in a variety of capacities for 42 years, including 16 years in Colombia, where he taught linguistics and cross-cultural ministry, served as a linguistics consultant and editor, worked as a computer programmer in a computer assisted translation project, and served in other computer related roles. He has also developed and taught online courses in English and Spanish.

He is fluent in English and Spanish.

Research and Teaching Interests top

Online education, intercultural education, intercultural communication, visual communication, cross-cultural ministry.

Robert has been administrator and online course developer, using the MOODLE LMS, since 2006. He also has developed hybrid and online courses for the BlackBoard LMS.

Education top

B.A., M.A., M.S., M.Ed., M.A., Ph.D.

1986 Ph.D. Humanities University of Texas at Arlington
Dissertation: Computer Assisted Dialect Adaptation: The Tucanoan Experiment.
2007 M.A. Communication Spring Arbor University, MI
Thesis: An Application of Online Course Methodologies to a Cross Cultural Teaching Seminar.
2004 M.Ed. Higher Education Dallas Baptist University, TX
1987 M.S. Computer Science University of Texas at Arlington
Thesis: The Implementation of a System for Computer Assisted Dialect Adaptation.
1977 M.A. Linguistics University of Texas at Arlington
1974 B.A. Biblical Education Columbia International University, SC

Academic Honors
: Phi Beta Delta, Epsilon Phi Chapter: Honor Society dedicated to recognizing scholarly achievement in international education.

Other Graduate Studies

2018- IntlDev 610. Foundations of Biblical Faith
IntlDev 612. Global Transformation  
William Carey International University, Pasadena, CA
2012-2014 Leadership, Financial Analysis, E-Business, Social Responsibility Western Governors University
2009-2011 Teaching and Learning Online, Grant Writing for Non-Profits, Writing as a Vocation Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor, MI
2000-2010 Statistical Methods, Intercultural Education, Religion and Worldview, Semantics and Pragmatics, Community Development, Ethnographic Research Methods, History and Trends in Anthropology, Oral Traditions Dallas International University, Dallas, TX
(Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics)
2008  Anthropology of Education University of North Texas, Denton, TX
2003-2004 Economics, Finance, E-commerce Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, TX
1975 Biblical studies, Greek exegesis, Anthropology, Philosophy, Research methods Columbia International University, Columbia, SC

Other Professional Development

2005 Certificate
Online Facilitator Training
Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor, MI

Professional Experience top

Professional Associations

Kairos University, Sioux Falls, SD 2024 - Present

  • Kairos University: In 1858, a small group of church leaders in Rochester, New York, saw the need to develop followers of Jesus to serve their local communities. Nearly 170 years later, with the advent of partners and by the grace of God, that vision has grown into Kairos University – one of the largest and most diverse accredited systems of competency-based theological education in the world.
  Graduate Academic Mentor

ProMETA, San Jose, Costa Rica, 2021 - Present

  • ProMETA exists to train Christian leaders through accessible education that contextualizes in a relevant way the truth of the Bible to help them fulfill their calling. Its purpose is to train students at the certificate, undergrad, and masters and doctoral levels.
  Graduate Academic Mentor
  • Graduate academic advisor and mentor
  • Graduate course and materials developer
  • Graduate program advisor and consultant
  • Publications committee editor and member

Partners in Joy, Inc., Duncanville, TX, 2016 - Present

  Ministry Partner
  • Partners in Joy is a group of Bible-believing Christians with a common passion who have become partners for a greater vision. The mission of Partners in Joy, Inc. is to partner with already established effective ministries, to assist them in their efforts toward expanding the Kingdom of God and fulfilling the Great Commission.
  Ministry Activities

Intercultural Educators, LLC, Duncanville, TX, 2011 - Present

  Founder and CEO
  • Intercultural Educators, LLC was founded in 2011 to provide consulting, resources, and training courses and materials for people engaged in intercultural service, development, and training activities.
  • Intercultural Educators, LLC offers training to intercultural educators using the MOODLE online learning environment.
  • Administrator and online course developer, using the MOODLE LMS, since 2006. He also has developed and taught hybrid and online courses for the BlackBoard LMS. He has taught at various universities in Colombia, Peru, and the United States at the graduate and undergraduate level for over 30 years


Trainer, Consultant, Course developer and Administrator
  • Research interests include online education, intercultural education, intercultural communication, visual communication, cross-cultural ministry, and international development
  • Topics: Communication theory, intercultural communication, visual communication, graphic design, web design, new media, linguistics, international development

Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, TX, 2000 - Present

  Adjunct Professor of Communication
    Communication theory, intercultural communication, visual communication, graphic design, web design, new media, linguistics


Courses Taught
    2016- COMA 6314: Intercultural Communication Theory
    2012- COMA 6301: Advanced Communication Theory
    2012- COMA 6324: Communication for Global Organizations
    2000-2011 ART/COMA 3318: Web Design
    2004-2009 ART/COMA 3316: Media Graphics
    2001-2008 ART/COMA 2318: Desktop Publishing and Design
    2006-2007 LING 4303: Principles of Phonological Analysis
    2006 ART/COMA 2317: Advertising and Visual Communication
    2001-2005 ART/COMA 3314: Photography II: Digital Imaging

Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Perú, 2015


Program: Curso Internacional de Lingüística, Traducción, y Alfabetización
  • 2015: Professor, Fonología (in Spanish)

SIL International, Dallas, TX, 1974 - 1999, 2012 - 2016


Teaching and Consulting
    2016: Online Learning Program: Advisor and Developer
    2012: Online Learning Consultant
    2015: Introducción a la Fonología (Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru)
    2012: Online Learning Workshop (Lima, Peru)


Graphic Design: Web Designer/Desktop Publishing


  1997-2005: Web design (various sites)
1988-1994: Typesetting and desktop publishing (Colombia)


    1995-1999, 2015: Teaching and consulting on linguistics
1978-1994: Served in Colombia, South America
  • 1978-1994: Linguistics consultant. edit linguistic / cultural materials
  • 1987-1988: Linguistics Section Head
  • 1982-1984: Linguist/Programmer, CADA Project


Courses Taught
    1995-1999: TXSIL L3325 Introduction to Phonology
    Seminars in Linguistics and Cross-cultural ministry

Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics, Dallas, TX, 1999 - 2011
(Now Dallas International University)

Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor, MI, 2006-2010

University of Texas at Arlington, 1995 - 2009


Adjunct Associate Professor of Linguistics

Ph.D. committee member:

  • Julia Dieterman: Secondary Palatalization in Isthmus Mixe: A Phonetic and Phonological Account.
    Ph.D dissertation. University of Texas at Arlington.
  • Peter Unseth: 2002. Bi-consonantal reduplication in Amharic and Ethio-Semitic.
    Ph.D dissertation. University of Texas at Arlington.

Periodically: Reader for comprehensive examinations
1995-1999: Teaching and consulting on linguistics

  Course Taught:
  • 2001: LING 5330 Computer and Natural Language (conference course)

Adult Learning Systems, Duncanville, TX, 1995 - 2005


Associate Editor
    1995-2005: Editing and indexing

Corporación Internacional para el Desarrollo Educativo (CIDE), Bogotá, Colombia


Program Director
  • 1980: Linguistics Program (in Spanish)
  Courses Taught
  • 1980: Professor, Phonology II. Intermediate Phonology
  • 1979: Professor, Phonology I. Introductory Phonology

Professional Creative Works top



2017: Winner, First Place in the Photography category, Southwest Dallas Art Festival

Faith Comes by Hearing
Asilio, an Ashaninka man from Churingaveni, Peru,
hears God's Word for the first time.
© 2015 Robert B. Reed

Online Courses

Barnwell, Katherine, & Reed, Robert.
  2000. AL 5316. Principles of Translation. Graduate course developed for GIAL.
Reed, Robert.
  2015. Etnología: Antropología social y Cultural. Course developed for Cursos Fundamentales
Programa de Capacitación Online (PCO), Educación Contínua - SIL Américas
  2014. COMA 6324. Communication for the Global Organization.
Graduate course developed for Dallas Baptist University (DBU), Dallas, TX
  2009. COM 692. Research Methods Comm II. Graduate course developed for Spring Arbor University (SAU), Spring Arbor, MI
  2007. LD 5151. Cross Cultural Teaching Seminar. Graduate course developed for GIAL.
  2006. COM 650. Visual Communication. Graduate course developed for SAU.
  2006. COM 652. Web Publishing. Graduate course developed for SAU.
  2004. AL 5304. Applied Phonology. Graduate course developed for GIAL.
Walter, Stephen, & Reed, Robert.
  2004. LD 5342. Statistical Methods. Graduate course developed for GIAL.

Training Materials

Reed, Robert.
  2010. Online Support for Classroom Courses. Training video (21 mins.)

Articles and Papers

Reed, Robert.
  2011. Distance Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Workers for the Bible Translation Movement.” Presentation to Bible Translation 2011: A forum for exploring strategies and methodologies for training translators and consultants.
  2009. “CyberWord: The Internet, the Online Church, and the Bible Translation Movement.” Bible Translation 2009: A forum for exploring strategies and methodologies for training translators and consultants. Proceedings of Bible Translation 2009. Dallas, TX: SIL International.
  2007. What is the relationship between training, mentoring, and education?Proceedings of Bible Translation 2007. Dallas, TX: SIL International. (Also available from the GIAL Electronic Notes Series.)
  2004. Review of Merriam, Sharan B., and Caffarella, Rosemary S. (1999). Learning in adulthood: a comprehensive guide, 2nd ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Word and Deed, 3,3, Fall 2004.
  1986.Computer Assisted Dialect Adaptation as a Translation Tool for Closely Related Languages." Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the American Translators Association. Karl Kummer, ed. Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc.
  1985. “Computer Assisted Dialect Adaptation: An Overview of the Tucanoan Experiment.” SIL Notes on Computing 11:6-19.
Schauer, Stanley C., Junia Halverson Schauer, and Robert B. Reed.
  n.d.  “El yukuna.” Estudio Preliminar para el Atlas Etnolingüístico Colombiano. Bogotá: Instituto Caro y Cuervo.

Presentations and Invited Lectures

  2012. Taller de Capacitación Virtual (San Salvador, El Salvador). Five day workshop taught in Spanish to introduce key concepts and approaches to developing and teaching online courses. Fifteen people from 5 countries participated.
  2012. Taller de Capacitación Virtual (Lima, Peru). Four day online workshop taught in Spanish to introduce key concepts and approaches to developing and teaching online courses. Thirty seven people from 12 countries participated.
  2011. Distance Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Workers for the Bible Translation Movement.” Presentation to Bible Translation 2011: A forum for exploring strategies and methodologies for training translators and consultants.
  2009. “Visual Storytelling.” Invited lecture, GIAL LD5357 Oral Tradition and Literature.
  2009. “CyberWord: The Internet, the Online Church, and the Bible Translation Movement.” Bible Translation 2009: A forum for exploring strategies and methodologies for training translators and consultants.
  2008. “Using Lester’s Visual Communication Perspectives to Analyze Visual Forms.” Invited lecture, GIAL LD5384 Expressive Form Analysis
  2008. “Analyzing Visual Forms.” Invited Lecture, GIAL LD5384 Expressive Form Analysis
  2008. “Analyzing Visual Messages.” Invited Lecture, GIAL LD5339 Research Methods for Performing Arts
  2008. “Adult Education.” Invited Lecture, GIAL LD5934 Literacy Megacourse
  2007.“What is the relationship between training, mentoring, and education?” Bible Translation 2007: A forum for exploring strategies and methodologies for training translators and consultants.
  2004. “Distance Education at GIAL.” SIL Consultation on Distance Learning. December 14 & 15, 2004.
  2003. “Phonetics and Phonology of English and French: A Comparative Introduction.” Invited Lecture, Southern Methodist University.
  1989. “Introduction to Linguistics.” COMIBAM Seminar for Colombian Missionaries. (Three week seminar, in Spanish).
  1987. Introduction to Linguistics.” Guest Lecturer, Universidad Pedagógica, Bogotá, Colombia. (Five day seminar, in Spanish).
  1986. Computer Assisted Dialect Adaptation as a Translation Tool for Closely Related Languages.” American Translators Association Annual Meeting.

Books and Monographs

Huber, Randall, and Robert Reed.
  1992. Vocabulario Comparativo: Palabras Selectas de Lenguas Indígenas de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Alberto Lleras Camargo.
Kinch, Rodney, and Robert Reed.
  1979.Ejercicios de Fonología en Lenguas Indígenas Colombianas. Bogotá, Colombia: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, Ministerio de Gobierno.
Reed, Robert.
  2007. An Application of Online Course Methodologies to a Cross Cultural Teaching Seminar. Spring Arbor University: M.A. Thesis Portfolio.
  1987.The Implementation of a System for Computer Assisted Dialect Adaptation. University of Texas at Arlington: M.S. Thesis.
  1986.Computer Assisted Dialect Adaptation: the Tucanoan Experiment. University of Texas at Arlington: Ph.D. Dissertation (University Microfilms)

Books Edited

  1997.Bibliografía 1997: 35 Años de Servicio y Esperanza. Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia: Asociación Instituto Lingüístico de Verano.
  1995. Klumpp, Deloris A. Pharris. Vocabulario Piapoco-Español. Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Alberto Lleras Camargo.
  1993.Bibliografía del Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Alberto Lleras Camargo.
  1990.Bibliografía del Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Alberto Lleras Camargo.

Books Indexed

  1996. Pike, Kenneth L. With Heart and Mind. Duncanville, TX: Adult Learning Systems, Inc.
  1995. Kohls, Robert L., and Brussow, Herbert L. Training Know-How for Cross Cultural and Diversity Trainers. Duncanville, TX: Adult Learning Systems, Inc.

Web Portfolio

Portfolio of public sites created by Robert B. Reed.

Community Service top

Web Site Design
Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics (1999-2011)
International Museum of Cultures (1997-2003, 2005)
JAARS Museum of the Alphabet (1998-2008)

Board of Directors
Partners in Joy, Inc. (2017-present)
Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics (2009-2011)
JAARS, Inc. (Waxhaw, NC. 1989-1994)

Community Activities
Participant, Peacemaker seminar

Church Activities
Sunday School Teacher—Faith Bible Church, De Soto, TX
Technology Committee—Faith Bible Church, De Soto, TX
Missions Committee—Faith Bible Church, De Soto, TX
Missions presentations

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